Tuesday, December 31, 2019

the gothic setting of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein - 634 Words

Frankenstein: What makes it a Gothic Novel? One of the most important aspects of any gothic novel is setting. Mary Shelly s Frankenstein is an innovative and disturbing work that weaves a tale of passion, misery, dread, and remorse. Shelly reveals the story of a man s thirst for knowledge which leads to a monstrous creation that goes against the laws of nature and natural order. The man, Victor Frankenstein, in utter disgust, abandons his creation who is shunned by all of mankind yet still feels and yearns for love. The monster then seeks revenge for his life of loneliness and misery. The setting can bring about these feelings of short-lived happiness, loneliness, isolation, and despair. Shelly s writing shows how the varied†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, the setting can greatly impact the actions in a novel such as this. Frankenstein s abhorred creation proclaims that: the desert mountains and dreary glaciers are my refuge. I have wandered here many days; the caves of ice which I only do not fear, are a dwelling to me, and the only one which man does not grudge (Shelly 84). The pitiful creature lives in places where man cannot go for reason that the temperatures and dangers of these settings are too extreme. But near the end, Frankenstein s rage takes him all over the world in an obsessed search for his doppelganger enduring terrible hardships, which the monster, too, has endured. Frankenstein pursues his creation to the Artic wastes, revenge being the only thing keeping him alive. This serves only to thicken the strange darkness that surrounds and engulfs them (Nitchie 274). Here it seems as if Frankenstein may finally capture his adversary, but nature thinks otherwise. The monster tempts his enraged creator through a world of ice and the setting becomes a hindrance as the wind arose; the sea roared; and, as with the mighty shock of an earthquake; it split and cracked with a tremendous and overwhelming sound. the work was soon finished; in a few minutes a tumuluous sea rolled between me and my enemy (Shelly 191). Because of this gothic setting amid the Artic ice floes, the despair hits both Frankenstein and the reader. SoShow MoreRelatedMary Shelleys Frankenstein: A Gothic Novel1595 Words   |  7 Pages Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein is one of the greatest Gothic novels to come out during the Romantic Period. Frankenstein is a prime example of what a Gothic novel should present to its reader through the genre’s twisted themes. Even though it was written in the Romantic period, Mary Shelley still wrote Frankenstein to be a Gothic work of literature. Many characteristics of Gothic novel can be seen within this novel. Mary Shelley’s outstanding novel Frankenstein is a prime example of a Gothic novelRead MoreThe Mother Of The Novel Frankenstein By Mary Shelley1202 Words   |  5 Pages Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the mother of the novel Frankenstein, was born on August 30, 1797 in London, England, child of Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin. Wollstonecraft wrote about the struggle of women and promoted women’s rights, while Godwin wrote pieces that aimed toward achi eving a philosophical goal. Mary Shelley was unfortunately only to really experience literary expertise through her father, for her mother died due to puerperal fever early within one month of giving birth toRead MoreMary Shelley and Flannery OConnor: Gothic Isolationists1724 Words   |  7 Pages Gothic fiction is a genre of literature that combines fiction, horror and Romanticism with a particular focus on the mysterious and supernatural aspects. Gothic fiction originated in England during the latter half of the 18th century. This distinctive genre of literature soon developed into a 19th century phenomenon. The success of this dominant genre in England is frequently attributed to Mary Shelley. Despite its success during this time period, gothic fiction ceased to be a dominant genre byRead More Mary Shelly Essay examples1564 Words   |  7 PagesMary Wollstonecraft Shelly has written many books in her life. She has received much criticism about one of her books inperticular, Fr ankenstien. Frankenstein was one of her most famous novels. Shelly had written Frankenstein in order to enter a contest but what few people realized was that Frankenstein was one of many nightmares that Shelly had during her rough childhood. Shelly has become one of the most renowned Gothic authors because of her use of graphic descriptions and settings and herRead MoreThe Romantic Era Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein1502 Words   |  7 Pagescentury, the romantic ear took over the styles of novels. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Supply Chain Management of Fmcg Companies - 2373 Words

Supply Chain Management of FMCG industry Group A2 Akshaya M Rajee-MBA10003 Eldho M Abraham –MBA10025 Lijo Jose-MBA10047 Ramya S-MBA10069 Sreeram C-MBA10093 3/9/2011 INTRODUCTION A Supply Chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the function of procurement of materials transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products and the distribution of these finished products to customers. It is the process used by the companies to ensure that their supply chain is efficient and cost effective. It also basically a collection steps which a company follows to transform raw materials into finished products the five different stages are Plan Develop Make Deliver and Return Plan A plan or strategy†¦show more content†¦Higher ratio indicates that the company is able to replace its inventory at a faster rate and hence the holding cost decreases. The number of inventory turns has decreased for Godrej and this is clearly indicated by the increase in the total inventory of the company. The number has decreased for both Emami and Dabur indicating both have improved their inventory management performance. 14 12 10 8 2010 6 4 2 0 Godrej Emami Dabur 2009 Number of inventory turns Total inventory in days This ratio has increased for Godrej by 15.83 percent. This ratio has decreased for both Emami and Dabur by 27 percent and 4 percent. This shows that Godrej has inventory stocked up for more number of days before it reaches its customers. Days of sales outstanding Days of sales outstanding has increased for all the companies under analysis except Dabur for which the ratio has decreased by 2.3 percent. For Godrej and Emami, the days of sales outstanding has increased by 1.94 percent and 5.27 percent respectively. Days of payable outstanding Days of payable outstanding has increased for both Godrej and Dabur by 25 percent and 17 percent, whereas for Emami, the ratio has decreased by 35 percent. The decrease in the ratio of Emami is due to fact that Emami has reducedShow MoreRelatedSupply Chain Management of Fmcg Companies2364 Words   |  10 PagesSupply Chain Management of FMCG industry Group A2 Akshaya M Rajee-MBA10003 Eldho M Abraham –MBA10025 Lijo Jose-MBA10047 Ramya S-MBA10069 Sreeram C-MBA10093 3/9/2011 INTRODUCTION A Supply Chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the function of procurement of materials transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products and the distribution of these finished products to customers. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe Free Essays

China Achebe, has achieved textual Integrity through a set of core Ideas which are developed through the characters and events In the novel. The novel shows the drastic effect of white missionaries who colonies an African clan of Bib people; bringing with them a new religion as well as laws, punishments and very deferent customs. Events described In the narrative highlight that a community and or an Individual must at some point adapt to change and a new environment or face being marginal’s by the society. We will write a custom essay sample on Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe or any similar topic only for you Order Now Awoken also works ere hard to show his strength, as an individuals fear of failure and social humiliation may influence their behavior in society as well as isolate them. Particular characters In the novel manifest how religion and spirituality create a sense of safety and stability In society as well as something to fear. Achebe has portrayed these concepts in the community of the Bib people through the coming of the missionaries and the downfall of the protagonist, Awoken. A community and or individual must at some point adapt to change and a new environment or face being marginal’s by the society. When the white missionaries come to the village of Ambulant they eventually build a hospital and a school, and welcome everyone to ]Olin In their beliefs bringing the Isolated and the deserted together and giving them meaning in their lives. This is in harsh contrast to Awoken who wants to resist and bring back the familiar and known ways of the clan. â€Å"Awoken said that ‘until the abominable gang was chased out of the village with whips there would be no peace†. This harsh statement conveys his unbending personality and his narrow view of the way the situation should be dealt with: as he its contrary to his clansmen. This inability to adapt and accept the changes in his community lead to Ginkgo’s ultimate downfall. â€Å"That man was one of the greatest men In Mafia. You drove him to kill himself;† The white Commissioner was blamed for the death of Awoken; blamed for his seclude. At some point it becomes a necessity to change adapt or even simply accept new arrivals and change or face not being able to live. An individuals fear of failure and social humiliation may influence their behavior in society as well as isolate them. Awoken has worked his whole life to be different to is father and show the strength he has in him. It plays a huge part in his personality and affects how he treats people and how he reacts to things; always trying to be the opposite of his father who in his eyes was a failure. â€Å"Fortunately among these people a man was judged according to his worth and not according to the worth of his father. † Achebe’s dramatic irony reveals Awoken has nothing to fear as his people will only Judge him on his individual worth and not his fathers actions. Awoken never showed weakness or any emotion that was not anger. He had no patience for ND a temper, which his family lived in fear of. But his whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness†¦ It (his fear) was not external but lay deep within himself†¦ It was the fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father†. This consuming fear of himself dominated his life, made him who he was and influenced his behavior so much so it lead to regrettable mistakes. Religion and spiritua lity create a sense of safety and stability in society as well as something to fear. â€Å"It (Muffin) was feared by all it’s neighbors. It was powerful in war and in magic. The fear of magic is strong and protects Muffle from war, and well as defends it. Their religious beliefs gave them strength when it came to their enemies; no one wishes to wage war with a magic so powerful. This creates a fear driven law abidance. â€Å"She (The Priestess of Cabala) was full of the power of her God, and she was greatly feared†. Spirituality can give an individual power and a revered status. The Priestess of Cabala Juxtaposes other women in this book, differentiating herself from the crowd with her ability to communicate with the spiritual realm and the Goddess Cabala. Spirituality and religious beliefs constitute an unquestionable power and a fear no one can contradict. One must be able to accommodate change and conform to society to a certain extent to allow improvement in oneself and even ones culture which is ever changing, ever improving otherwise one can face being left behind, being marginal’s or unable to endure the lasting effects. Awoken could not change or accept the changes in is community, he concentrated on not failing himself and avoiding social humiliation and keeping a stable and respected status in community which can influence ones behavior in society, or lead to isolation. Spirituality creates a sure sense of balance and security and a fear that establishes order in a society which Achebe provokes through the novel and states the idea in many forms as to be accessible by all. Achebe’s novel ‘Things Fall Apart’ has these core concepts which achieve its textual integrity and are displayed through the Bib people in Africa however can be expanded and applied to the whole. ‘Things Fall Apart’, a novel by China Achebe, has achieved textual integrity through a et of core ideas which are developed through the characters and events in the punishments and very different customs. Events described in the narrative highlight in the novel manifest how religion and spirituality create a sense of safety and stability in society as well as something to fear. Achebe has portrayed these concepts welcome everyone to Join in their beliefs bringing the isolated and the deserted personality and his narrow view of the way the situation should be dealt with; as he men in Mafia. You drove him to kill himself;† The white Commissioner was blamed or the death of Awoken; blamed for his suicide. At some point it becomes a a man was Judged according to his worth and not according to the worth of his his ‘lazy son Known and always ran his household with a tough and hard set of rules something to fear. â€Å"It (Muffle) was feared by all it’s neighbors. It was powerful in that a community and or an individual must at some point adapt to change and a war and in magic. † The fear of magic is strong and protects Muffin from war, and men in Comfit. You drove him to kill himself;† The white Commissioner was blamed How to cite Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Apples Competitive Advantage free essay sample

What historically have been apple’s competitive advantages? Apple has been in the news since its inception in 1976 for various reasons from its second computer APPLE ll which ran on the legendary Mcintosh operating system to Apple’s co-founder and ‘soul’ Steve Job’s ouster in 1985 to its dramatic turn around in the new millennium To compete in the oversaturated PC industry Apple had to come up with ground breaking innovations in its devices from time to time. hile most players in the industry tried to standardise operations and products Apple stressed on differentiating itself from the others by manufacturing almost everything on their own. One important point to be noted was that most of the PC manufacturers manufactured PCs around one operating system that is the Microsoft windows which had a market share of about 90% at one point of time which gave the consumers less choices because the hardware used by most computer manufacturers were the same Other than this there is whole lot of things that made Apple outstanding. We will write a custom essay sample on Apples Competitive Advantage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The extreme focus on user interface, simplicity and design made Apple more than just another company or product in the consumers mind. Apple’s differentiating points starts from the fact that it develops its products in utmost secrecy. Contrary to its size Apple had one of the most narrowest product lines. Jobs believed in extreme practices of secrecy, including a closed door policy where employees can access some areas of the company through key cards. Most companies used Windows operating system and microprocessors from Intel and a relatively open system that other producers could clone. Apple on the other hand practiced horizontal and vertical integration which gave it the dual advantage of significant reduction in costs as well as its creating its qwn proprietary designs.